Blinds by Noon Website


Blinds by Noon is a Kickstarter backed project that currently does not have a website. These blinds are custom cut and custom fit to your liking. They can even have shapes cut into them so that when light shines through them they cast shadows into the room.


While building this website, I was able to use a few photos of the product that I sourced from their Kickstarter page. The rest of the images were illustrated. Once illustrations were complete and a palette was decided on that would keep the project on-brand, work began on low-fidelity wireframes and style tiles. These wireframes served as a foundation for the HTML page, and the style tiles were referenced while coding the CSS.

Lessons Learned

To finalize the project, it had to be optimized for mobile. In retrospect, this should have been done first. Modern web design is done with a “mobile first” mentality because most website traffic comes from visitors on mobile devices. The additional code included a media query that would check whether the device had a touchscreen and the size of the viewport to account for both phones and hybrid devices.

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